This problem or decision may be a defining moment in your career. How can asking questions help you liberate resources or create value as you reduce liabilities? As we seek to understand, the stakes may be higher than you think.
Countless times, someone who summons the courage to ask a (dumb in their words) question ends up discovering surprising and unexpected context. People often search for answers but may not know how to ask questions to find a resolution. Asking questions is one of the smartest things you can do to avoid getting stuck.
Many adults stop asking questions, as pride, fear, and other concerns hinder professional progress. Fearing they would be considered a fool for asking a stupid question or appearing not to have all the answers is a cognitive limitation impeding success.
Question reluctance is discomfort or avoidance of asking questions. It, therefore, makes sense why so many adults stop asking questions. It also explains why so many individuals seek advice or an outlet to collect unbiased feedback. We offer such an outlet.
Understanding the cost of not solving the problem is as important as understanding the value of solving the problem. What is the upside or downside of this decision for you?
There is a cost-benefit to evaluate. Will solving this problem or making a better decision create value for the business or impact your career?
If you answer Yes and wish to permit us, proceed to the Shop.
Suitable problems and decisions include;
Unreasonable problems for discussion include;