
BEA April 2024 Report

Personal income increased by 0.3% in April, disposable personal income was up by 0.2%, and consumption expenditures were up by 0.2%, according to estimates released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis.


HHDC Q1 2024 Report

Aggregate household debt balances increased by $184 billion in the first quarter of 2024, a 1.1% rise from 2023Q4. Balances now stand at $17.69 trillion and have increased by $3.5 trillion since the end of 2019, just before the pandemic recession.


US GDP 1Q24 Report

GDP increased at an annual rate of 1.6% in the first quarter of 2024, according to the “advance” estimate released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis.


Beige Book February 2024

67% of Districts reported slight to modest growth, 25% reported no change, and 8% noted softening. The economic outlook for future growth remained positive, with expectations for strong demand and less restrictive financial conditions over the next 6 to 12 months.


2023 FBI IC3 Report

In 2023, IC3 received a record number of reported complaints from the American public, with an increase in potential losses exceeding $12.5 billion. The top five crimes were phishing, personal data breach, non-payment, extorsion, and tech support scams.


Chief Risk Officer Survey 2023

Risk functions must strategically anticipate and proactively respond to signals, threats, and opportunities for competitive advantage. This report compiles data from 390 U.S. risk executives on how enterprise risk functions prioritize to meet the challenges, demands, and opportunities across five risk drivers.


The Beige Book January 2024

66% of Districts reported little or no change in economic activity, while 25% reported modest growth. Most Districts indicated that expectations for future growth were positive, had improved, or both.

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CMMC 2.0 Proposed Rule

The CMMC Program is designed to verify the protection of sensitive unclassified information shared between the Department and its contractors and subcontractors or generated by the contractors and subcontractors. CMMC increases assurance that contractors and subcontractors are meeting cybersecurity requirements applying to acquisition programs and systems processing CUI.


Stop Ransomware Guide

Ransomware and associated data breach incidents can severely impact business processes, leaving organizations unable to access necessary data to operate and deliver services.


SEC v SolarWinds and VP

Defendants defrauded investors and customers through misstatements, omissions, and schemes that concealed the Company’s poor cybersecurity practices and heightened risks.


Ransomware Data Destruction Trends

The FBI noted two trends emerging across the ransomware environment and released this notification for industry awareness. These new trends included multiple ransomware attacks on the same victim in close date proximity and new data destruction tactics in ransomware attacks.


Data Breach Cost Report 2023

The Cost of a Data Breach Report equips IT, risk management, and security leaders with quantifiable evidence to help them better manage their security investments, risk profiles, and strategic decision-making processes.


Beige Book June 2023

42% of Districts reported slight increases in activity, 42% no change, and 8% small to moderate declines in June. Employment increased modestly in most Districts.

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CFO Signals 2Q23 Report

CFOs reported their greatest challenges in managing enterprise risk and regulation as frequently changing and/or increasing regulations and working with regulators; implementing processes to identify, monitor, and address risks; and managing resources, costs, and business constraints.

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Beige Book May 2023

33% of Districts reported slight increases in activity, 50% no change, and 17% small to moderate declines. Employment increased in most Districts, though slower than in previous reports. Prices rose over the reporting period, though the rate of increase slowed in many Districts.

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Supply Chain Risk Management

Supply chain management practitioners have long understood the global dependencies and associated risks of US supply chains. It took a pandemic and the resultant supply disruptions to fully expose the national security implications associated with these supply chain vulnerabilities.

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Understanding LockBit

Since January 2020, affiliates using LockBit have attacked organizations of varying sizes across an array of critical infrastructure sectors, including financial services, food and agriculture, education, energy, government, emergency services, healthcare, manufacturing, and transportation.

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Guide To Securing Remote Access Software

This guide overviews common exploitations and associated tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) malicious actors to leverage, rendering these businesses exposed and vulnerable. It also includes recommendations to IT, OT, and ICS professionals and organizations on best practices for using remote capabilities and detecting and defending against malicious actors abusing this software.


FBI Internet Crime Report 2022

The FBI’s IC3 2022 Internet Crime Report confirms that cyber actors continue to plague Americans by targeting U.S. networks, attacking critical infrastructure, holding our money and data for ransom, facilitating large-scale fraud schemes, and threatening national security.


FBI Elder Fraud Report 2022

In 2022, total losses represented $3.1 Billion as reported by elderly victims, an increase of 84% from 2021. Talk about these scams with your family and friends and take steps to prevent these fraud attempts.

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The Beige Book April 2023

Banks across Districts tightened lending standards amid increased uncertainty and liquidity concerns. Contacts noted declines in the prices of nonlabor inputs and significantly lower freight costs in recent weeks, as several Districts reported increases in the labor supply.

Certitude Security IRA blog article

IRS Inflation Reduction Act

Shortly after Congress enacted the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the Department of the Treasury and the IRS initiated an effort to develop a Strategic Operating Plan, identifying the highest-priority opportunities to deliver transformational change for taxpayers.

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Digital Supply Chain

A digital supply chain creates real-time insights into the operation. This visibility can help identify areas for improvement and help businesses automate or eliminate inefficient processes.

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The Beige Book February 2023

Finding skilled workers with desired experience remains challenging, and inflationary pressures remain widespread as input costs increase. Many companies were finding it more difficult to pass on cost increases.

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Cybersecurity of AI

Provides an overview of standards (existing, being drafted, under consideration, and planned) related to the cybersecurity of artificial intelligence (AI), assess their coverage, and identify gaps in standardization.

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Navigating Digital Risk in Finance

Financial institutions are increasingly exploring the potential of tokenization of “real-world assets”, including tangible assets, such as real estate and precious metals, and intangible assets, such as private equity (e.g., fund tokens) or debt securities (e.g., digital bonds).


Manufacturing Trends 2023

Manufacturers are accelerating the pace of investments to generate top-line growth by accelerating innovation and providing the data necessary to create new products and business models.

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CISA Ransomware Guide

Ransomware incidents can severely impact business processes and leave organizations without the data to operate and deliver mission-critical services.

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The Beige Book January 2023

Manufacturers indicated that activity declined modestly in many Districts while supply chain disruptions had eased. Manufacturers in many Districts report declining freight costs and prices for commodities, including steel and lumber.

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Threat Hunter Handbook

Threat hunting provides a second level of defense to address gaps in the overall cybersecurity architecture by finding and disrupting attackers that evaded the organization’s automated defenses.


DoD Zero Trust Strategy

Our adversaries are in our networks, exfiltrating our data and exploiting the Department’s users. To adapt and significantly improve our deterrence strategies, this never trust, always-verify mindset requires us to take responsibility for the security of our devices, applications, assets, and services; users are granted access to only the data they need when needed.

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The Beige Book October 2022

Economic conditions varied across industries and Districts. Four Districts noted flat activity, and two cited declines. Higher interest rates, inflation, and supply disruptions continue to impact demand. Outlooks grew more pessimistic amidst increasing concerns about weakening demand.

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Pulse Survey August 2022

The latest Pulse survey shows executives focusing on growth despite many business risks facing companies. They plan to invest in many parts of their business, including digital transformation and IT.

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NIST Special Publication 800-172A

The protection of Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) in nonfederal systems and organizations is essential to federal agencies and can directly impact the ability of the Federal Government to carry out its assigned missions and business operations successfully.

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CFO Compensation Survey 2022

The CFO Compensation Survey provides a window into the compensation practices and services that affect the office of the CFO in venture-backed and mid-market growth companies. The survey is in response to and in coordination with the members of the CFO Roundtable.

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WEF The Global Risks Report 2022

The WEF 2022 Global Risks Report identifies tensions that will result from diverging trajectories and approaches within and between countries and then examines the risks that could arise from such stresses. This year’s report also highlights the implications of these risks for individuals, governments, and businesses.

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Dun & Bradstreet FTC Complaint

The Federal Trade Commission charges that Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) engaged in deceptive and unfair practices. From at least May 2015, D&B advertised, marketed, offered for sale, sold, and distributed products to small and mid-sized businesses. For more information, see the complaint.

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Measuring Asset Risk

A lack of understanding and misplaced assumptions often rob construction industry executives of sleep and profits. You will not successfully deliver construction projects without managing timelines, budgets, quality, and asset risk.

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Remeasuring Cyber Risk

Profitable manufacturing businesses need to limit information insecurity to remain viable. Company processes depend on protected data, and workflow disruptions that threaten assets can result in customer dissatisfaction. When leaders fail to fund and address information insecurity, the results can be costly and long-lasting. Reach consensus on securing critical assets and workflows before allocating resources. […]

Exec Deleg

Executive Delegation

As manufacturers continue to expand their operational capabilities, managing MSPs has become a source of great anxiety and business disruption. Companies that fail to validate the security protections offered by MSPs and IT vendors are often ill-equipped to respond to sudden cyber attacks and other threats.

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Executive Clarity

During periods of more significant uncertainty, clarity is cherished because it provides confidence. Leaders desire clarity to avoid confusion, maintain credibility, and support well-informed decision-making. You can gain clarity and confidence to prevent business disruptions. DownloadView

Minimizing Disruption Featured

Minimizing Disruption

The manufacturing industry is one of the pillars of the U.S. economy, meaning supply chain disruptions often have a rippling effect on other businesses, vendors, suppliers and third parties. COVID-19 is just one example of how global crises and uncertainty can directly impact manufacturing operations from end to end, which is why companies should focus on supply chain risk planning. Learn more about the current manufacturing landscape and how Certitude Security can help your firm develop a security strategy to minimize downtime and financial loss.

Business Disruption Featured

Business Disruption and Financial Consequences

The coronavirus pandemic has been a wake-up call for the manufacturing industry, leading many firms to consider reshoring their operations to the U.S. and sourcing from domestic suppliers. This moment in history represents both a major risk and an opportunity for manufacturers to future-proof their operations and build in more robust cybersecurity protections. Discover how Certitude Security can help your company maximize visibility of its IT systems and take true control over your production environment.

Executive 3rd Party Risk

Executive 3rd Party Risk

Modern businesses rely on a patchwork of third-party vendors, suppliers and partners to deliver quality products and keep supply chains running efficiently. However, without third‐party risk monitoring and escalation processes, business leaders can struggle to keep track of third-party commitments and their ongoing performance.

Executive Security Strategy

Executive Security Strategy

The manufacturing industry is in the midst of a major transformation, where automation and data analytics are the rule rather than the exception. But as more systems and applications are deployed, business leaders must develop clearly defined strategies to monitor, communicate and manage cyber risks.

Executive Loss Control

Executive Loss Control

Protecting the security and privacy of business data has become a necessity for organizations that rely on digital technologies and cutting-edge applications. Discover how Certitude Security can help combat data loss, prolonged system downtime and other cyber risks that threaten your business continuity.

Executive Business Continuity

Executive Business Continuity

Manufacturing firms of all sizes prioritize business continuity to ensure their operations are disaster-resistant, their systems are protected against cyber threats and their data is secured. Learn how Certitude Security can help your organization leverage proactive backups, disaster recovery strategies and data loss prevention techniques to reduce unplanned downtime and costly disruptions.

Executive Financial Loss

Executive Financial Loss

After an unexpected ransomware attack, a small Midwest manufacturing firm discovered its third-party IT vendor couldn’t deliver the protection or support it promised. Learn how the organization bounced back and what steps it’s taking to prepare for future cyber threats.

Technical Business Continuity

Technical Business Continuity

Between data loss, ransomware and unplanned downtime, manufacturing firms have a wide range of operational challenges that threaten the continuity and reliability of their IT systems. Learn how robust disaster recovery and data backup processes can help mitigate business disruptions and set your organization up for long-term success.

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Rise in Data Loss Caused by Ransomware Attacks Due to Work from Home

This video shows a simulation of a hacker that was able to steal files containing sensitive information and then using ransomware to cover their tracks, after compromising the system through RDP that was accessible through the Internet. In cases such as this, ransomware can impact not only the infected machine, but other systems that support […]

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Manufacturing Insights: Cyber Risk Expectations Versus Reality

Meeting budget requires the consistent production of quality products, shipped accurately, and delivered on time. The order intake and orders invoiced are vital oxygen. Simultaneously, cybercrime organizations are planning to separate you from your capital, your reputation, and your customers. If they can make you beg, they know you will give them more money. Viable manufacturers are taking proactive measures to understand these cyber threats and coordinate effective countermeasures to avoid probable loss events.

Robot Vacuum

Is your robot vacuum cleaner spying on you?

News Anchor and Reporter for ABC 6, Maria Durant, discussed data privacy concerns with Certitude Security CEO, Lowell Bowdle. “Nothing is private anymore, ” Bowdle said. “With Wi-Fi enabled autonomous robots and the HOME application on your smartphone, the robot is not only creating a map of your home, but it’s also sharing data back […]

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Lowell Bowdle, CEO of Certitude Security, provided comment about keeping kids safe from online predators

ABC 6 Reporter Lu Ann Stoia questions parents, Would you know if creepers are interacting with your children? Bowdle said it’s important for parents to talk with children about their social media and set boundaries around appropriate content. “At the moment the video starts playing, it can be innocent and fun, but it can turn […]

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Voter identity, ballot accuracy and privacy become increasing concerns as polling options go online.

Frank LaRose, Ohio Secretary of State, stated “every piece of electronic equipment ever built is hackable, period.” ABC 6 Senior Political Reporter Ben Garbarek visits with Certitude Security CEO Lowell Bowdle to discuss online voting concerns. “Your mobile device is not safe and that’s a concern,” said Lowell Bowdle. “Even if we’re doing facial recognition, […]

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Social Media Threats

ABC 6 News Anchor and Reporter, Rodney Dunigan, highlights hate being spread on social media. Lowell Bowdle, CEO of Certitude Security, provided comment in advance of the September 18th Senate Commerce Committee hearing on Mass Violence, Extremism, and Digital Responsibility. “These social platforms own the data. Unfortunately, in most cases, the signs are caught too […]

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Manufacturing Cybersecurity: What CFOs Need to Know

The mindset and engagement of executive leadership, and specifically the CFO, to set a culture of security, further enables that organization to take steps to notify and educate all employees of their role in preventing cyberattacks. In the absence of controls, reporting, and enforcement measures, CFOs rely on hope to address their concerns.

Pelotonia Funds Live Saving Cancer Research

Pelotonia Funds Life Saving Cancer Research

Fox28 Meteorologist Phil Kelly’s interview at Broadcast Lake with Lowell Bowdle, CEO of Certitude Security, highlights the impact that Pelotonia funded research has on our future. “If we all contributed a little more each year to fund cancer research, we would probably find a cure years sooner and save millions of lives.” 
