How will business disruption events impact your reputation? 

You and your budgets are under pressure, so each decision challenges you to prioritize uncertainty and consequences. Security gaps need improvement, yet the planning and budgeting process is flawed.

You are in a difficult position to make careful decisions about where to cut, but at what cost?

Planning is required to prioritize resources. Your role is essential for senior management to understand the systems and processes vital to the organization’s functioning.  

Are you tired of trying to convince senior leadership?

You are expected to secure critical systems and information, yet no one truly listens when you raise concerns. Little action is taken, leaving you and the company exposed.

During disruption events, everyone second guesses your actions and questions you to justify the outage.

How would your outlook change if you could document and communicate the potential impact of security incidents on the business so that leadership could understand?

Who needs SPOT-Beam Contain?

For technical and business leadership teams that have financial and reputational incentives to operate with limited disruption because their customers demand reliability. Who are dissatisfied with the current planning and budgeting process to prioritize and allocate limited resources to protect essential income statement activities.

SPOT-Beam Contain is a disciplined PDF guided process for technical and business leadership to recognize and isolate probable security liabilities to reduce the cost and duration of future loss events.

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Are you open to a different approach to communicating concerns and gaining respect?

SPOT-Beam Contain provides a collaborative process for stakeholders to evaluate how cyber risk and cybersecurity investments map to the income statement through loss event scenarios. Unlike the current process that creates frustration and inaction, you will build trust with transparency and collaboration.

  • Imagine knowing the source of your weaknesses with clarity and establishing a plan to build strength in specific areas.
  • This plan of action allows stakeholders to invest in protecting revenue-generating activities, contain expenses, and safeguard net income.
  • Efforts and funding align when technical and business stakeholders work toward outcome-based goals.

Prepare and be your best. Skills such as scenario planning and expense management are needed to show stakeholders you can effectively communicate a wide range of circumstances and deliver value.

Would you rather expand on success or contract on failure?

You know system failures and data loss are unavoidable, so your goal is to recover quickly. The key is communicating how business disruption will impact revenue and expenses.

Unlike current methods that stimulate misunderstanding, disagreement, and inaction to avoidable cyber loss events. You can continue business as usual to experience the emotional beat down or take action to build value and your reputation.

Liabilities occur due to the lack of input. This process will transform how you seek resources to protect the future performance of the company.

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Do you consider a week of downtime a headache or a deep laceration requiring immediate attention?

Investing $1,500 to avoid a headache may not be urgent. Still, you would likely trade a small investment to limit the cost of business disruption if a week of downtime would dramatically impact the company and your reputation.   

Do you require problems to take action? The longer you wait, the more exposure to downtime compounds.

This proactive process prepares you to communicate and build value. 

You can quickly complete the purchase of SPOT-Beam Contain to facilitate quarterly and annual planning. Such a small investment considering the benefits.

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Spot Beam Contain Summary Pages Page 4

Another Perspective

Are you one of those people who would instead put out the fire instead of admitting you need help to prevent the blaze from occurring?

You might want to read about Ross and his awakening.

Thank you for allowing us to assist you and your team with creating an asset protection and recovery plan.

We’re excited that you are here. Let’s get started!

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