Category: Borderless Network Security

Visual representation of online phishing scams.

Why Should Executives Care About Phishing?

This well-defined cybercrime process efficiently focuses criminal efforts toward high payoff activities. These tactics are not limited to those inside the company, as board members, accounting firms, and law firms also store and transmit sensitive business data and are also susceptible to targeted attacks.

The risk of supply chain cybersecurity threats

The risk of supply chain cybersecurity threats

Supply chains are a primary target for cyber-attackers, so how do manufacturers go about implementing protective measures to mitigate supply chain risk? Let’s find out.

4 Steps for Cyberattack Prevention and Security

4 Steps for Cyber Attack Prevention and Security

Digital technologies have become an invaluable source of productivity and financial growth for organizations worldwide. Still, the push for increased IT investment has also introduced a wide range of security concerns. The growing frequency and sophistication of cyber attacks have left many companies scrambling to modernize their network and system infrastructures, insulate their critical assets,…
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